Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun with Roman Numerals

Fun with Roman Numerals
By: David A. Adler
Genre: Non Fiction
Ages: 4-8
Fun with Roman Numerals brings an old fashioned concept back to life with colorful and bold images and words. Roman numerals are everywhere we look. On clocks, on buildings, and in books. Many students can not read and understand these roman numerals. This book is a fantastic way to teach roman numerals and teach students how to read them. This is also a great way to incorporate literature into math. I highly recommend this book!

Roman numerals was the number system used in Ancient Rome. They are still used in many places today and we need to know how to read and understand them.

About the author:
David Adler is a children's author of both fiction and non fiction works. He is often known for creating the Cam Jensen series. He is a former math teacher who loves to write books about math. He wants his young readers to enjoy math as much as he does. He also wants them to understand that math can be easy and fun too!

Pre reading activity:
Discuss with students where they have seen roman numerals. Write the roman numbers 1-5 on the board to see what students know already.

Post reading activity:
Students record the roman numerals 1-10 in their math journals. Every morning, introduce one more number so students can begin to see the pattern that occurs when writing roman numerals.

Source used:

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